How did you use your privilege today? How are you planning to leverage it tomorrow? It's a cold hard rain pummeling us; maybe think about sharing your umbrella with someone who doesn't have one.
How did you use your privilege today? How are you planning to leverage it tomorrow? It's a cold hard rain pummeling us; maybe think about sharing your umbrella with someone who doesn't have one.
#Privileges #Move
At the beginning of the pandemic i lost the "job of my live" in musicbiz and had to move to a *much* smaller flat.
Am currently sorting/throwing out most of old stuff out the crammed basement due to a time out.
Just noticed it slowly changed to something like,
reducing stuff to be able to move in one go(van) "out of here" far away as possible - a prepper mindset.
The privilege?
Still have time/ability to do so. Am not a (immediate) target of any repression - yet.
-waking up in rental flat i can afford (still)
- no pain (health ok so far)
- heating works
- power outtage not to fear
- shower with clean hot water (whenever i want)
- no war zone here
- food in the fridge (easy to refill from supermarket)
- stepping out with no fear for myself bc not read as member of a "minority" (Am white, elder male, don't look foreign)
- that peace (relatively/locally spoken) before "the storm"
GitHub patches critical Security Flaws in
Enterprise Server.
GitHub has released fixes to address a set of three security flaws impacting its Enterprise Server product, including one critical bug that could be abused to gain site administrator privileges.
[Video] #Indian #activist #GraceBanu wants more #rights for the #transgender #community.
The #struggles of the #LGBTQ+ #community in #India need to be understood through the lens of #caste and #class #privileges.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #India #Activism #Politics #Representation #Culture
- J'ai un salaire d'ingénieur, une femme top model, un chibre de 40cm et une imprimante 3D...
- Ouais ben moi j'ai un médecin traitant!
CW: auspol
Peter #Dutton billed taxpayers nearly $6000 in #expenses for staff to attend Gina #Rinehart’s birthday party—then flew back an hour later to campaign in #Dunkley on #CostOfLiving issues: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/apr/12/peter-duttons-office-billed-taxpayers-almost-6000-for-staff-to-travel-with-him-when-he-attended-gina-rinehart-party?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other #auspol #entitlements #privileges #LNP
11 #Cisgender #Privileges You Didn't Know You Had .
The other day I was having coffee with a #friend who was griping about using the term Cis. “I love #trans #people, but I do not feel like I need to identify as #cisgender,” my friend stated.
#Women #TransMen #Nonbinary #Transgender #GenderNonconforming #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Privilege #InternalizedTransphobia
Peer accused of trying to interfere with Partygate inquiry resigns. What about the others? | Vox Political
Edward Blum owns #JohnRoberts: Not #talking about #race doesn’t erase #discrimination; it reinforces the #privileges of #white applicants by ignoring the ways in which deep-seeded #structural #racial #inequality impacts individuals.
#ShelbyCounty #VotingRightsAct
#PurchasedJustice #PlantationCourt #corruptconservativescotus
Liz Truss is still set to get all the perks of being Prime Minister despite only holding the role for 49 days.
This includes her own honours list, like the one Boris Johnson just had approved
Will you add your name to the petition to make sure Rishi Sunak can’t ignore us?
What did we learn from the big vote on Boris? | Vox Political
Former prime minister Theresa May, the same Former prime minister Theresa May who legitimised Johnson, after Gove stabbed him in the back, by making him foreign secretary in her government?
Boris Johnson’s supporters come out to trash Partygate report. But look at the state of them! | Vox Political
#Boris #Johnson #Partygate #Report #Privileges #Committee #support #Michael #Fabricant #Nadine #Dorries #Brendan_Clarke-Smith #Simon_Clarke #Andrea #Jenkyns
Theda Skocpol, a professor of political science and sociology at Harvard, contended that many of the developments in states controlled by Republicans are a result of careful, long-term #planning by conservative strategists, particularly those in the #Federalist #Society, who are developing tools to build what she called “#minority #authoritarianism” within the context of a nominally democratic system of government.
Skocpol outlined her thinking in an email:
The first-movers who figured out how to configure this new “laboratory of democratic constriction” were legal eagles in the Federalist Society and beyond, because the key structural dynamic in the current G.O.P. gallop toward minority authoritarianism is the mutual interlock between post-2010 Republican control, often supermajority control, of dozens of #state #legislatures and the #SCOTUS #decision in 2019 to allow even the most #extreme and bizarre forms of partisan #gerrymandering.
These organized, richly resourced actors, she wrote,
"have figured out how to #rig the current U.S. #system of #federalism and #divided #branches, given generational and geographic realities on the ground, and the in many ways fluky 2016 presidential election gave them what they needed to put the interlock in place. They are stoking and using the fears and resentments of about half or so of the G.O.P. popular base to #undo #American #democracy and #enhance their own #power and #privileges. They are doing it because they can, and they believe in what they are doing. They are America’s G.O.P. Leninists.
Skocpol did not pull her punches:
This situation, locked in place by a #corruptly #installed #Supreme #Court #majority and by many #rotten-borough #judicial #districts like the one in #Amarillo, means that minority #authoritarians, behind a bare facade of “#constitutionalism,” can render majority-elected officials, including the president and many governors, officials in name only. The great thing from the minority authoritarian point of view is that those visible chief executives (and urban mayors and district attorneys) can still be blamed for government nonfunction and societal problems, but they cannot address them with even broadly supported measures (such as simple background checks for having military assault weapons).
Did #BorisJohnson knowingly or recklessly mislead the #UK Parliament, and if so, at the earliest opportunity did he make a correction before Parliament?
Some peoples "previous" is unknown as they face a hearing, #BorisJohnson's is firmly embedded in the public domain. Perhaps #Johnson my wish the Commons #Privileges Committee to TIC (Take Into Consideration) some 43 other matters, as listed in #liverpoolecho https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/43-times-boris-johnson-lied-24419765.
"My friends, I must say to you that we have not made a single gain in #civilrights without determined #legal and #nonviolent #pressure. Lamentably, it is an #historical #fact that #privileged groups seldom give up their #privileges voluntarily. Individuals may see the #moral light and voluntarily give up their #unjust posture; but, as #ReinholdNiebuhr has reminded us, groups tend to be more #immoral than individuals." #MartinLutherKing Jr., Letter from #BirminghamJail, April 16, 1963. #MLKDay
Microsoft is changing its vacation policy for its full-time employees in the US. Employees will need to coordinate the leave with the manager, but it is not necessary to formally fix its duration. In addition to unlimited vacation, employees will have standard days off, sick leave, etc.
The innovation will come into effect on January 16. Those who work hourly or remotely will not have such #privileges.