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@devinprater To me, that operating system in particular is for the extreme computer nerds who know basically everything there is to know about controling and programming computers to do their bidding. It just sounds foreign to me because I'm a Windows user and I care only about the end-user experience.


@gocu54 @devinprater [] That sounds very different to the Linux I use. I'm sure there are nerdy versions, but I'm not a computer or IT person, and usability is very important to me as a mouse user. So command line or nerdy things are totally out of the question. In fact I like that I can choose a really good visual desktop system to suit me best. That's not so easy on Windows, which I have to use at work.
Take a look.

Nick's world

@ianp5a @devinprater Blind guy so viscual stuff wouldn't work for me but I get your point. To be fair, I've been using windows since I was 5 years old so its hard for me not to get attached to something I know works and can give me the stuff I need.