Hey Chooms! It's time to fight the Galactic Empire and bring peace back to the galaxy!
I've got Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back seeding over #Veilid today, as we need some good antifascist flicks shared for everyone! But this is a special one: it's also one of the "Despecialized" editions of ESB, meaning it's exactly as movie-goers in 1980 saw it.. no special extras, no new effects, none of that... just clean, color balanced, and fresh from 1980!
Grab using distrans (now stigmerge):
distrans fetch VLD0:OR0RR-Gc7cZMzA_6ZtzpN96DNRuk1qGMX63JeXl4vHU
Enjoy, my friends, and may the Force be with you all!