Now at #YouTube: Vandaag Is Top. Go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlTUz5pE264
Now at #YouTube: Vandaag Is Top. Go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlTUz5pE264
#playlist des émissions !! février et mars !!!
#radioshow - et #reportages pour retrouver ces groupes, soit bandcamp ou insta !
Radio Caroline’s audience favourite, the Top Fifteen Shows, is back with an impressive line-up next week. Catch all the details at www.radiocaroline.co.uk
09:00-10:00 UK #music #RadioCaroline #TopFifteen @TheRadCaroline #PoweredByTheSun #playradiocaroline #radioshow
Listen back to the latest Haunted Ambient Mix, broadcast last night on CAMP Radio: https://www.mixcloud.com/camp_fr/grey-frequency-haunted-ambient-mix-14th-march-2025
Looking 4 a strange sonic experience? Check out…
RADIO IRRTUM! (on air from Berlin)
↓↓↓ Deutsch Version below unten ↓↓↓
Da next issue of #RadioIrrtum! is approaching: This Saturday, 2025/03/15, 8:00pm UTC+1/Berlin time. At Alex Berlin FM at 91MHz or DAB+ K7D around #Berlin and worldwide at https://www.alex-berlin.de/radio-livestream .
#Radio Irrtum! is a German language #radioShow exploring the sonic vastness of the #underground. Emitted transmissions may raise your attention for new unheard #music all over this planets genre spectrum. Don't worry about the German language aspect - 'cuz it's all about the #music!
This time with focus on sad pop music and strange experimental sonic somethings, specifically:
- #Pop music from war zones
- South American #electroPop
- #SmoothJazz
- Cut-up club-worthy remixes of #remix.es
- Trauma-technological #club punk
- Laibach-style #EBM
- Truly experimental #junkElectronica
- well, #experimentalMusic in general
- #EggPunk for cats
- Heavy #shoegaze
- Spoken word #doomShanties
- Dreamy #EbassRomance
There is #CreativeCommons licensed music, and also I thought of having at least one (amazing!) Fediverse artist in here. But turns out, the London music legend Scanner is no more part of the #Fediverse, as his instance mastodonmusic.social closed down (a reasonable decision by the admin, no hard feelings). But this is something, we, the #FediverseAdmins should keep in mind: People (especially technical non skilled ones) once lost will be disappointed and unmotivated to come back :( . This is something very deep level in #ActivityPub, I am very aware - I hope there is a way to somehow address this in the future. Scanner wrote me, he is on Bluesky now, so with a bridge, you might still be able to follow hin there (look for "robinrimbaud") – and please don't hassle him about it, he has his hands full and SN's aren't his top priority 4 now.
Anyway: If at least a bit interested in kewl new unusual #music, tune in!
I'll post playlist + manuscript later here (provided I’m home, else it will come up the day after). And if you have questions? I'll gladly answer! Just ask!
CU all on Saturday! :)
↑↑↑ English version above, the Deutsche welche jetzt ↓↓↓
Radio Irrtum! kommt näher → Samstag, 15.03, 20:00 isses soweit auf Alex Berlin (FM 91MHz/DAB+ K.7D / Stream URL oben).
Also die seltsam funke(ln)de Radiosendung, in der planetenumfassende Weiten des musikalischen Untergrunds erforscht werden
Diesmal mit…
- Pop aus Kriegsgebieten
- südamerikanischen Electropop
- smoothy Jazz
- cut up club
- trauma-techno Club Punk
- Laibach-Style EBM
- Junk-Elektronika
- experimentelle Musik
- Eggpunk für Katzen
- Shoegaze
- poetic Doom Shanties
- Ebass-Romantik
Das wird alles GROßARTiG! Details in englisch oben, Playlist + Manuskript nach der Show (spätestens Sonntag) hier drunter. Fragen einfach stellen – ich antworte (spätestens Sonntag)!
Bis zur Sendung… vielleicht? :)
Hey it’s episode 99 of Adventurous Listening, a radio show that uses the science of sound to establish surprising new neural links in your hardening brain!
#noisemusic, #experimentalmusic, #electroacoustic, #radioshow, #weirdshit
Don Valley Country Radio
Your first choice for great music listening.
The More Music Less Chatter Station.
Welcome to our facebook site, please give us a visit and check out our website for programme schedule.
You can now listen to DON VALLEY COUNTRY RADIO through our new link via Zeno.Fm
Many Thanks Alan
@everyone #countrymusic #countryradio #radioshow #countryandwestern #RadioOnline
https://donvalleycountryradio.jimdosite.com [donvalleycountryradio.jimdosite.com]
Don Valley Country Radio
Your first choice for great music listening.
The More Music Less Chatter Station.
Welcome to our facebook site, please give us a visit and check out our website for programme schedule.
You can now listen to DON VALLEY COUNTRY RADIO through our new link via Zeno.Fm
Many Thanks Alan
@everyone #countrymusic #countryradio #radioshow #countryandwestern #RadioOnline
https://donvalleycountryradio.jimdosite.com [donvalleycountryradio.jimdosite.com]
Jeudi 13 mars IDC- L'Instant des croûtes revient EN DIRECT ! Sur Radio Galere
★ 13h - 14h ★ en écoute sur
★ #radioshow★ #bassmusic
Pambelé au Nova Club de David Blot, avec Reza Pounewatchy et Paloma Colombe pour la présentation de « Dámelo » notre premier Opus.
Merci Radio Nova pour soutenir les artistes indépendants
Hello, new (and old) wavers! Here's my Twitch DJ schedule for the week of March 9. Plus, don't miss M1313's RETRO BEACH PARTY March 18. Lots of love & see you soon!
Obviously, I'm reaching into the past for tonight's VERY SPECIAL 150th Episode. The terrifying Hellscape of the 1980s seems like a picnic when compared to 2025.
Tonight's repeat episode of Friday night's show kicks off with a song by Pink Floyd. Whom I told were the Pixel Grip of the 1970s.
Don't worry if you missed Friday night's 150th episode of my radio because the who thing repeats tonight on Y-NOT Radio
(https://www.ynotradio.net). Only this time I'll be live-posting along with the show.
grazil FM Frauenmärz
Radio Helsinki
https://www.grazil.at/di11-3-21h-grazil-fm-frauenmaerz/ @radiohelsinki
#grazilfm #grazil #frauenmaerz #achtermaerz #finta #feminism #feminismusrettetdiewelt #grazilrecords #radiohelsinkigraz #radioshow #podcast #clepecher #badmusicforbadpeople
Radio Caroline's listener-curated Top Fifteen Shows are a consistent hit, and here's a preview of the amazing line-up for next week. www.radiocaroline.co.uk
09:00-10:00 UK #music #RadioCaroline #TopFifteen @TheRadCaroline #PoweredByTheSun #playradiocaroline #radioshow
Kids, I know that my radio sounds best from inside an abandoned refrigerator but take it from Punky Brewster and listen to it in the relative safety of your home.
I have band practice tonight, so I won't be able to live-post along with the show. I will be live-posting on Sunday night at 7 PM. That said, see you tonight at 9 PM Eastern on Y-NOT Radio https://www.ynotradio.net
ce jeudi in da city on #radiogalère
la scène marseillaise est tellement touffue et fada