Promise Me
"The irresistible, feelgood bestseller from the author of THE WEDDING OF THE YEAR"
Sale: $17.99 to $0.99
Author: Jill Mansell.
Rating: 4.3 out of 5 (15,410 Reviews)
#Uplifting #Romance #LiteraryEscape #MustRead2025 #books #kindle
Promise Me
"The irresistible, feelgood bestseller from the author of THE WEDDING OF THE YEAR"
Sale: $17.99 to $0.99
Author: Jill Mansell.
Rating: 4.3 out of 5 (15,410 Reviews)
#Uplifting #Romance #LiteraryEscape #MustRead2025 #books #kindle
Read on your #kindle or Amazon Fire Love #Amazon #ebooks? Download 50 FREE amazing short short stories dealing with unique #ethical and #philosophical problems. Complete with discussion questions! buff.ly/TYI3x8E #freebooks #freeshortstories #freefiction #freekindle
At some point, Libby removed the ability to read books in-app and relies entirely on passing things to Amazon and the Kindle app.
This sucks because I deleted the Kindle app for being annoyingly full of attempts to sell me things.
#Libby #Kindle #libraries
What Kindle Service Will Amazon Kill Next? https://goodereader.com/blog/kindle/what-kindle-service-will-amazon-kill-next
Sing a Black Girl's Song: The Unpublished Work of Ntozake Shange
"Never-before-seen unpublished works by award-winning American literary icon Ntozake Shange"
Sale: $30.00 to $2.99
Author: Ntozake Shange.
Rating: 4.8 out of 5 (21 Reviews)
#BlackFeministVoices #BlackArtsMovement #WomenWhoWrite #authorslift #books #kindle
Fragments of Us: A Journey of Love, Loss, Injury, and Renewal
"When he passed, I was left to pick up the pieces—not just of my life, but of myself"
Sale: $5.55 to $0.99
Author: Kris Bartik.
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (2 Reviews)
#HealingAfterLoss #Hope #tragedy #LoveAndLoss #books #kindle
Mediterranean Cookbook: 120 Family-Friendly, Fuss-free Dinner Recipes That Are Easy On The Budget
Sale: $5.99 to FREE
Author: Vesela Tabakova.
Rating: 3.9 out of 5 (306 Reviews)
#EasyRecipes #HealthyLifestyle #MediterraneanDiet #HealthyEating #CleanEating #books #free #kindle #budgeting
Predator Vs. Wolverine (Predator Vs. Wolverine (2023))
Witness the untold greatest battles of Logan's life - across the ages, against a Predator!
Sale: $19.99 to $3.50
Author: Benjamin Percy.
Rating: 4.6 out of 5 (537 Reviews)
The Death and Life of Great American Cities
"perhaps the most influential single work in the history of town planning..." — The New York Times
Sale: $19.00 to $1.99
Author: Jane Jacobs
Rating: 4.7 out of 5 (1,573 Reviews)
#CityPlanning #UrbanDevelopment #America #UrbanDesign #books #kindle #author
The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity
Sale: $16.00 to $1.99
Author: Carlo M. Cipolla.
Rating: 4.4 out of 5 (2,336 Reviews)
#HumanBehavior #Insights #Stupidity #MustRead #Books #Kindle #ModernClassic
#Psychology #Humor
Erster Eindruck des PocketBook Verse Pro: Mist, der ist noch kleiner als der Kindle. Dann der direkte Vergleich: Oh, was, der Bildschirm ist trotzdem grösser?! Geil. #ebook #pocketbook #kindle
New planets. Hidden lands. Futures on the brink. The Rogue Element delivers four bold sci-fi stories forged from earth, air, fire, and water.
#Kindle #Kobo #Nook #iBook #GooglePlay #scifi #books #sciencefiction
I've had my #Kobo Libra Colour #ereader for a month. I'm so glad I switched from #Kindle when I did. #FuckAmazon
I worried about being able to load #ebooks from two different #libraries based on some reviews, but I found setup instructions on Reddit and have successfully synced borrowed #books from both cards via #Libby / #Overdrive. I think I can only browse one library on the device, but I prefer to do that from my computer anyway.
I love that adding a bookmark looks like a dog-eared page!
I have a pretty old Kindle, bought in 2013 and running 4.1.3.
Does anyone know if I can replace the OS on it? I am interested in being able to read epubs and no longer be dependent on the Amazon store.
Solar-Powered E-Reader With No Buttons - Modern e-readers such as the Amazon Kindle are incredible pieces of engineering, b... - https://hackaday.com/2025/03/10/solar-powered-e-reader-with-no-buttons/ #lithiumioncapacitor #handheldshacks #3dprinted #e-reader #display #kindle #e-ink #ebook #solar #lic
lol so when you add up the amount of kindle unlimited titles i have plus the pdfsand other ebooks ive uploaded my #kindle library is 750 #books thats a lot! i cant wait to see where i'm at in january when i meet my goal but it will definitely bleed over into next year because i just dont think it is possible for me to read that many books in one year! not that and all the other stuff i do!
[EDIT: RISOLTO, vedi risposte]
Qualche giorno fa ho letto un toot in una discussione riguardante il #kindle che diceva più o meno così: se non ti interessa la connessione internet e la possibilità di fare acquisti direttamente su amazon puoi installarci il sistema operativo taldeitali. Non ho messo il toot tra i segnalibri e non sono in grado di ritrovarlo, ma magari qualcunə di voi l'ha salvato, o forse con qualche boost ben assestato riesco a raggiungere lə scrivente/hackerante