A new #MadMax #movie has a #script, but director #GeorgeMiller isn't sure it will ever be made
A new #MadMax #movie has a #script, but director #GeorgeMiller isn't sure it will ever be made
Docela zklamání. To, co se povedlo v roce 2015 George Millerovi, byl majstrštyk, který mě uzemnil. Majstrštyk, který dokonce překonal originál s Melem Gibsonem. Tohle je jen takový slabý odvar, který tomu nesahá ani po kotníky.
Kde je ta hravá kamera, ta nespoutanost plná nápadů?
Nespoutanost, ano, to je to, co tomu chybí.
»Furiosa – recenzowanie recenzji«
Furiosa jest „po”, jest kontynuacją i to chyba powinien recenzent zauważyć i rozważyć jako pierwsze. Osobną obserwacją jest to, że łykamy bez zastanowienia wtórne produkcje, zupełnie nie zastanawiając się, że wtórność twórczości jest kłopotliwa z samej zasady podobnie jak wartość samą w sobie ma odkrywczość. Mad Max był warty obejrzenia, bo pokazywał nową scenografię, nowy styl prowadzenia akcji, zupełnie nowy był przedstawiony w nim świat...
Just re-watched Mad Max: Fury Road, an already perfect film - but it turns out that George Milled did the IMPOSSIBLE with Furiosa: A Mad Max Story by making a prequel that made this already perfect film... even better.
Like so many others have already suggested: see Furiosa before you re-watch (or watch for the first time) Fury Road. It is SO rewarding.
Furiosa getting such wonderful reviews has me hyped!
Filmy i seriale:
»Premiera „Furiosa: Saga Mad Max”«
Dzisiaj (24.05.2024 r.), tydzień po światowej premierze, do polskich kin trafia "Furiosa: Saga Mad Max".
With Furiosa, George Miller's answer to what it’s like to be reared in Hell is straightforward: it sucks. But the film also shows that all is not lost at the end of the world. While it may not be as ruthlessly engaging as Fury Road, this prequel is a powerful complement. It deepens the universe without sacrificing its cinematic excellence, proving that the near end of the world doesn’t necessarily mean the end of humanity. Furiosa shows that even in the most barren wastelands, life can still bloom.
#Furiosa #GeorgeMiller #MadMax #CinematicExcellence
"Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga" is out and according to the A.V. Club's Tara Bennett (not usually a fan of prequels), it's good. Here's her review of the movie, which stars Anya Taylor-Joy and Chris Hemsworth. We want to know: Which of these George Miller movies is your favorite?
“Yeah, I have thought about it. But I’d rather other people speculate because stories are in the eyes of the beholder. They’re not for the storyteller to insist that this is exactly what happens. All stories, whether they’re a fairy tale or some sort of religious story, or basically folklore, they are there for us to interpret them or to try to interpret them according to our own belief.”
100% this. I am really looking forward to the Furiosa prequel, and I absolutely love Fury Road for a ton of reasons, especially because of how the film depicts the camaraderie between Furiosa and Max, but George Miller makes a great point. The film ended perfectly. She got the redemption she was seeking, and her ending leaves a ton of opportunities open for the character and for the viewers to piece the rest together based on their interpretation of the story and the characters. If a Furiosa or another Mad Max sequel comes out I'd definitely be watching, but I'd rather it happens because they have a story to tell.
On September 26, 1985, Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome debuted in West Germany. Here’s some Mel Gibson and Tina Turner art to mark the occasion!
#MadMaxBeyondThunderdome #MadMax #GeorgeMiller #TinaTurner #MelGibson #DystopianFilm #Ozsploitation #Carsploitation #IndieFilm #PostApocalypticFilm #MonsterVision #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
On August 27, 1982, Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior debuted in West Germany. As usual, here's some fan art!
#MadMax2 #TheRoadWarrior #GeorgeMiller #DystopianFilm #AustralianFilm #Art #SciFiArt
On April 5, 1983, Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior debuted in Brazil. Here’s some fan art to celebrate!
#MadMax2 #MadMax ##TheRoadWarrior #GeorgeMiller #MonsterVision #PostApocalypticFilm #ScienceFiction #ExploitationFilm #OutlawBikerFilm #MelGibson #Ozsploitation #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
Director #GeorgeTMiller has died at 79 after suffering a heart attack. Destined to be known as 'the other George Miller' because his most prominent works came at about the same time as #MadMax director #GeorgeMiller's (both were also working in Australia), his most well-known films include #TheManFromSnowyRiver, #TheNeverEndingStoryII and #RobinsonCrusoe. His largest output came from Australian TV series and movies, and you can see his list of credits on IMDb: https://tinyurl.com/george-t-miller-imdb