Today's Joy is the Caturday phenomenon. I love seeing people's cats.
I often go back on Mondays and take a look at the hashtag, see all the cats I didn't see over the weekend, when I need a little boost.
Today's Joy is the Caturday phenomenon. I love seeing people's cats.
I often go back on Mondays and take a look at the hashtag, see all the cats I didn't see over the weekend, when I need a little boost.
Today's Joy is Petrichor. The smell that you get during or after rain, where there's a lot of moisture still in the air.
Today's Joy is the feeling when someone I'm working with - training or mentoring or answering their question - gets it and you see their eyes light up with understanding. I really enjoy helping others, and that lightbulb moment makes any number of little frustrations worth it.
Oops, I almost forgot today's Joy.
It's Libraries.
At a Library, you can borrow what you want, hang out, they respect your privacy, and they definitely kept me going when I was young and couldn't afford all the books I wanted to read.
Plus, they're full of Librarians, who are made of awesome.
Today's Joy is Tea. I drink a lot of tea, and there are so many amazing types of tea, and so many different fun ways to get into it, from the casual teabag, to loose leaf, to special cups and pots and elaborate ceremonies.
If you enjoy tea, I'd love to hear about your favorite type of tea. My current favorite is a black tea with Mango: https://www.uptontea.com/flavored-black-tea/mango-loose-leaf-black-tea/p/V00631/
Today's Joy is one I keep coming back to: the Jelly Cam at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. It's on from 7am-7pm Pacific time, so it's perfect for accompanying your North America workday. They have other webcams (birds! kelp! otters!), but this one is my favorite. The aquarium itself is well worth the visit if you're in the area.
#DailyJoy #Aquarium #JellyCam #MontereyBayAquarium
I'm going to try something. Like many of you, I've been struggling to find joy amidst all the chaos.
So I'm going to start posting about small pleasures.
Today's is the hashtag #LichenSubscribe because puns and wordplay are wonderful, and it's great seeing people dedicated to spreading information about such a niche subject.
Two appointments that made all the difference today. First up a visit to the hairdressers (thank you Kirsty at Arran Hair Studio), and then a physio appointment with my heroic physio who saw me in her lunch break. There are some weeks of work ahead of me, but I have a map that shows the way and some understanding of what the rehab journey will look like. Not only that but after our session today I've been able to ditch the crutches.
Daily joy today... sitting in the sun in Brodick Castle Walled Garden with my dad, playing Birdsong Name That Tune. Bliss.
Five days in to ankle rehab and although I've still got a wicked purple cankle, I'm able to hobble around my kitchen. Baking bread today was soothing for the soul. What's more, my Dad and step mum are on the next ferry and I cannot wait for the big familial bear hugs that are coming my way.
Busy day today, trying to get ready for an imminent visit by parents. It's been tricky as I'm still on crutches but some #DailyJoy to be gained from my left foot being able to touch down a little and bear some tentative weight. This progress has given me access to my garden and some optimism for the days ahead.
Wally fetched me home and there's so much joy in that I don't know where to begin. I'm starting with these two comedians, who always bring me #DailyJoy.
I'm three days into ankle rehab and weight bearing is still not really an option but the neoprene support I ordered online was waiting for me when I got home and it has made things a lot more comfy.
Today's #DailyJoy is people. All the lovely people who have worked hard to keep the wheels on while mine came off. Colleagues, mountain rescue team members, friends, and my lovely husband Wally who got a train down to the Lake District to fetch me and my van. Onwards and upwards.
#injuryrehab #Optimism
I'm inspired by lovely supportive friends including Becki who sent me this awesome rehab advice in the link (O is for Optimism), and also Kate Worthington of Raw adventures who told me about her #DailyJoy strategy for recovering from illness/injury. I'm starting a #DailyJoy trend right here. Feel free to join me!
Yesterday's #DailyJoy was snuggling on the sofa with Meg and Bo, who are Sharon and @GrahamUney 's lovely labradors.