Happy Friday, Mastodon! This is the day that the Lord has made. I am so grateful to be awake and to be feeling pretty much like myself again, after having battled covid for the past week and a half or so. I'm thankful that the Lord let me survive it.
@summersun704 Oh no I had no idea you were so sick. I'm glad you're feeling better.
@acarson @TRodick93 and I both have been, but we're pretty much over it now. All that remains is a residual cough for us both. I'm grateful to have my appetite back, but of course have nothing here that sounds good. Lol Isn't that always the way?
@summersun704 @TRodick93 Yes. Yes it is.
@acarson @TRodick93 Like right now I can't decide if I want McDonalds breakfast burritos or a burger. Either sounds amazing. Oh, or a soft pretzel from one of our local bars would do too. Haha!
@summersun704 @TRodick93 At least you have an appetite though. Is McDonalds possible at this point in the month?
@acarson @TRodick93 Not really. Too much month at the end of the money. :) But I'm with you. Least the appetite's back.
@summersun704 @TRodick93 Yeah I hear you about too much month at the end of the money.
@acarson @TRodick93 I think everyone who is adulting understands that concept. :D
@summersun704 @TRodick93 I have to admit I'm really glad we've made it to Friday because almost this entire week has been brought to you by I don't wanna! which I think might have been just because I had too much that needed to get done and I was tired.
@acarson @TRodick93 Oh, I get it, totally. I get like that too right before a break.
@acarson @TRodick93 I also really really wanna have a Passover meal for some friends who are orthodox and I'm overwhelmed because I've kinda already invited them without realizing what all is involved and there's absolutely no way I can pull it off but I want to do something special for them as they live in a nursing home and it's been years since they've been able to celebrate.
@summersun704 @TRodick93 Do you guys have a Passover section at your local grocery store? Also, are these guests hoping for a kosher Passover or more or less just looking for the company and opportunity to get outside the nursing home? Specifically, do they realize that kosher for Passover food might be hard to come by where you live?
@acarson @TRodick93 I don't really know. Haven't gotten a chance to discuss with them as right after I invited them, came down with covid.
@summersun704 @TRodick93 Also are they thinking Seder Night, or something during the rest of Passover week?
@acarson @TRodick93 I invited them for Seder specifically.
@summersun704 @TRodick93 Hmmm. Can you get matzah locally in your area? Because it's too late to have any shipped.
@acarson @TRodick93 I'm sure I could hit the in-laws up for some.
@summersun704 @TRodick93 Most of the things you can get at the grocery store, (Potatoe or carrot for the veggie for example, lettuce for the green, hard-boiled egg, horse raddish), but the matzah would be the most difficult part as well as the charoset. Also you'd need to figure out the meal itself. I don't know, could you do second night instead of first?
@acarson @TRodick93 Yeah. It'll have to be second night, which means, what, Tuesday?
@summersun704 @TRodick93 Yes Tuesday night.
@acarson @TRodick93 Any suggestions for the meal? Like could I do cream of chicken soup with chicken breast over rice, for instance?
@summersun704 @TRodick93 Depends on whether or not they eat kitniyot. Typically ashkenizim don't, while sephardim and mizrachim do. If what they're interested in is more the traditionality though and not necessarily strictly halachic, you might be able to do that but I'd ask first. Can you call them?
@acarson @TRodick93 Not easily, no. I don't know their last names so can't call their nursing home and get them and I don't know if they're at day program today and again, don't know their last names so couldn't call and ask for them as there are several Mikes that attend.
@summersun704 @TRodick93 OK, would you be willing to do the chicken like you said, but with some potatoes instead of rice?
@acarson @TRodick93 Sure, as long as instant are okay. Haha.
@summersun704 @TRodick93 Instant should be fine.
@summersun704 @TRodick93 If you do the chicken, the potatoes, and maybe some carrots, that would cover the meal. The only parts you'd need to worry about then are the matzah and charoset.
@acarson @TRodick93 I think honestly that I'm gonna play it safe and plan for next year, especially with the whole covid thing. The last thing any of us needs is them getting covid. It's unlikely, but still. Better safe than sorry.
@acarson @TRodick93 Besides, we really don't have the $ to get any extra groceries right now. Things are super super tight for us this time of the month.
@summersun704 @TRodick93 Yeah I hear you.
@summersun704 @TRodick93 OK then you should do the chicken over rice for yourselves because that sounds really good.
@acarson @TRodick93 Oh, we totally should. It is very good; I've had it. I can send you a recipe if you'd like.
@summersun704 @TRodick93 Like some new potatoes. The kind you get out of the can and throw in the pot.
@acarson @TRodick93 I ... didn't even know that was a thing. Only new potatoes I am aware of are those grown in a garden.
@acarson @TRodick93 And the only way I have to contact them is if I go to day program, which won't happen until next week, so... yeah.
@summersun704 @TRodick93 Oh. Well that makes things ... difficult.
@acarson @TRodick93 Yeah, I kinda fucked up. *sigh* My heart was in the right place though, I guess.