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Andre Louis

I did this last Christmas using #SWAM Clarinet but it still makes me laugh so why not?

Nick's world

@FreakyFwoof The old 1920's style of Jaz needs to be brought back. This is an excellent example of why this instrument is such a legendary one. You can do so much with Claranettes that you can't necessarily do with say, Trumpets.

Quiet public

@gocu54 @FreakyFwoof I really like clarinet, though I get to hear more of it in klezmer and such than in jazz these days.

@modulux @FreakyFwoof What is Klezmer? also, thanks for the correct spelling. This is where NVDA has failed or I simply never learned how to spell the word Clarinet.

Nick's world
Quiet public

@modulux @FreakyFwoof Oh, so its a style of music, not a band? Okay. I'm an idiot.