We talked to the wonderful @Robin today on the show all about getting to grips with Windows, with a particular focus on Outlook and the File Explorer. Robin recorded a more detailed demonstration for all to enjoy - check it out here https://doubletaponair.com/finding-your-way-around-microsoft-outlook/
@doubletap @Robin I'm looking forward to hearing this episode. I personally love using Windows but File Explorer can sometimes be quite a bear.
@DavidGoldfield @doubletap Yeah I tried Outlook New but gave up and went back to Thunderbird. Love the show! Oosh.
@wesleym @DavidGoldfield And a jolly good Oosh to you too sir! Thanks for listening!
@DavidGoldfield @doubletap @Robin For years, I used a programme called PowerDesk instead. It was (maybe still is) fully accessible and had some nice features. The updated version that was current when I moved to Windows 10, seemeda bit flaky though, so I have been using file explorer which I've never liked.
@doubletap @Robin Great show. I have used Outlook for years but still learned some very useful shortcuts which I’ll be trying out.