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Brian Moore

well, after today, a week of our favorite thing, vacation! Not sure what I will do with it, likely hang out here and listen to podcasts and things but looking forward to it. Let's see what kind of trouble I can find

Winter blue tardis🇧🇬🇭🇺
Quiet public

@bmoore123 I approve! But don't do anything I won't do. HAhahahaha. Which includes listening to very creepy podcast by the way. LOL

@tardis got any suggestions for very creepy podcasts?

Quiet public

@bmoore123 @tardis Are you looking for fictional scary or real world too? I'm big into scary, although not much scares me

Brian Moore
Quiet public

@WilfSplodNokit @tardis either. really any reccommendations would be welcome

Quiet public

@bmoore123 @tardis If you want real world crime that's extremely disturbing, there's a series on Spotify about Fred West

Winter blue tardis🇧🇬🇭🇺
Quiet public

@WilfSplodNokit @bmoore123 LOL. Noo. The only scary things I'd watch are the episodes of Doctor who with the angels of time. And that's even creepy. I used to not be scared by a lot of things before, but now I seem to be. It's odd.

Brian Moore
Quiet public

@tardis @WilfSplodNokit I have never watched that thing. I should start.

Winter blue tardis🇧🇬🇭🇺
Quiet public

@bmoore123 @WilfSplodNokit Yeah I gave up on Spotify too a long time ago. I don't listen to much stuff nowadays. Try apple podcasts or something you like listening on. Sometimes they even have eps on their site and stuff.

Brian Moore
Quiet public

@WilfSplodNokit @tardis I don't have spotify but maybe it is somewhere else.

Quiet public

@bmoore123 @tardis There are documentaries on YouTube. I'll get the name of this for you