NVDA Alpha 35286 finally adds leading silence detection and removal logic. The changelog says:
"The silence at the beginning of speech will now be trimmed when using OneCore voices, SAPI5 voices, and some third-party voice add-ons to improve their responsiveness."
Though not mentioned in the changelog, it also affects eSpeak NG.
NVDA 2025.1 is shaping up to be a huge release.
@amir A while ago you mentioned that voices like IBM TTS do not work after beta 34900 or about that. Has this issue been fixed yet? I'm currently at alpha 34867 and wonder wether it's safe to upgrade to the latest.
@garo Yes. It has been resolved for IBMTTS if you update to the latest add-on release, V25.1.1.
@amir I see, thank you.