In #FileExplorer on #Windows11, when i go to context menu, for some reasons, first letter shortcut navigation does not work. but when I activate the new option there that says, show more options, the letter shortcuts work. anyone who is experiencing the same? #Windows #Blind #JAWS #NVDA #Accessibility #A11Y #ScreenReader
@aaronjohn0412 What version of Windows 11 are you using?
@ppatel Version 22H2 (OS Build 22621.1848)
@aaronjohn0412 It's possible that the Explorer fixes haven't made it to your machine. yet. I don't see why that is.
@ppatel @aaronjohn0412 I'm on 22621.1848 as well. It looks like they've introduced keystrokes now, such as O1 for open, H for open with, F for add to favourites, Z to compress to zip, A to copy as path, O2 properties, 1, Dropbox, 2 Onedrive, 3 Share with Skype, W1 Winmerge, W2 show more options, T cut, C copy, M Rename, S Share, D Delete (Can we please stop getting the Ribbon people to make shortcuts cc @JenMsft )
@aaronjohn0412 @ppatel @JenMsft You initially tagged a few ATs - does the same thing happen with both NVDA and Jaws or Narrator? (Just to rule out an issue with one or an add-on / script etc)?
@aaronjohn0412 Here's a weird question. Can you check in settings/accessibility/keyboard to see if underline access keys option is switched on?
@aaronjohn0412 @ppatel @JenMsft Are you using any NVDA add-ons which might intercept keystrokes? NVDA itself shouldn't. Actually note that things vary from place to play in Explorer. On the "Home" screen (the default which comes up when you open it), you can down arrow to "Favourites" & "Recent" files - when you open the conext menu on these files, the only options it gives are "Open" (ENTER), "Open File Location", (I), "Remove from recent" (M), Add to or Remove from favourites (F), Share (S)