oooh. I got the alpha version of NVDA, might begin to update the Eloquence add-ons I made to support it this weekend. Good to know that stuff like BeSTSpeech still work (and to see the debug version's logging always raise the OS access violation error in BstShutup too), Brailab works. No DECTalk, sad sad. Same goes for the Orpheus Lite and other classic synths, there will for sure need to be a larger update where many add-ons need revising.
As usual, it's amazing to see the documentation and changes / deprecation for developers so clearly laid out, I don't see it a big challenge to revise a few functions here and there to the new formats or accepted params.
@Tamasg BeSTSpeech still works, yet eloquence and dectalk don't? How strange. What's the alpha like of NVDA? I don't usually get alphas or betas in their early stages because of things like this, or in iPhones, mainly the developer betas, only twice I have had a problem. my older iPhone wouldn't start and my iPad's in the same state, I just can't get the iPad to power on. I guess I need to restore from a backup or something.