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Andre Louis

Olympic Opening Ceremony (audio-only) audio described on BBC1, for as long as the TV stays alive:

Andre Louis

Props to Georgina Rose for doing live AD. That stuff is never easy.

Andre Louis

Multiple people doing AD today, very cool. Latest speaker is Pauline (used to be Tubelady on twitter.)

Andre Louis

Back to Georgina.

Mike Breedlove

@FreakyFwoof GOod lord the difference between the brawdcasts of the US and the UK is insulting. We're breaking for ads every couple minutes, missing huge chunks in the process. Intolerable. Thank you for this service. I feel like I should chip in something for your trouble!

Andre Louis

@stirlock Adbreaks during an opening ceremony? Disgraceful.

Sean Randall

@FreakyFwoof @stirlock whenever the rugby is on ITV, we get a break after the anthums and before kickoff. Really spoils the atmosphere. But I guess we've been lucky to get the beeb for all these years. Their comparatively poor olympic coverage this year compared to the paid channels is sad.

@cachondo @FreakyFwoof @stirlock I know what annoyed me during Euro 2024 on ITV, when the national anthems were played, then the commentator would say "the match of team A versus team B, next". Come on! Just start the bloody thing!