Potentially controversial opinion
I don't understand why people don't think Braille is useful for a totally blind person. I have a very hard time functioning without it. It's doable, but it's stressful. I'd rather have a braille display or paper braille then to try to do something with TTS or audio. I feel very disconnected without Braille.
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@SapphireRose91 Very well said. These are my thoughts exactly!
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@Mitmee_Pie Okay, so it's not just me! I saw a post on Facebook that really made me want to just cry. It actually hurt me to hear someone say that.
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@SapphireRose91 I didn't read it on FB, but if it's the post I think you might be referring to, someone shared it here on Mastodon. It was very disturbing to put it mildly.
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@Mitmee_Pie Yeah, i agree. I'm sure he got tons of backlash for it.
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@SapphireRose91 I don't read braille anywhere near as often as I used to. But I think it's most definitely a valuable skill to know. And it's one that every blind child should be taught. It's better to know how to do something and maybe not use it much than to not know how to do a thing at all imo.
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@SapphireRose91 if I had kids, sighted or not, they would be learning it. No ifs ands or buts. I don't care if they chose to read it with their fingers or their eyes. It would be as important to me as them being able to read, right, do basic math and English etc.
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@SapphireRose91 @Cam I am going to laugh my ass off if this guy who wrote the article about how he hates braille and it is useless suddenly experiences hearing loss. OK I'm not going to laugh because that would be mean… But maybe I might be laughing a little bit on the inside! Most people are going to experience hearing loss by some point in their life and you are going to need braill once that happens.
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@SapphireRose91 @Pawpower great minds think alike apparently, Rox. I read his shenanigans and I was like, wonder what this guy will do if he suddenly goes deaf?
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@SapphireRose91 I can work with both. I am slightly averse to using braille a lot, but only because it was forced on me in school. Not forced as in you need to learn this, but forced as in if you don’t use this nothing you do ever counts for us. Our library doesn’t carry braille books in the school had a very limited number of them, so naturally, I stocked up on Audiobooks and red buckets of them. According to the school, they didn’t count. If I wasn’t logging it around and it wasn’t breaking my back they wanted nothing to do with it.
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@SapphireRose91 It totally is useful. I use it to read my textbooks more often than not if I choose to study.
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@SapphireRose91 Its what's called a visual learner. Some learn audio based and some have to see it in front of them to really understand something.
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@SapphireRose91 That's totally not contriversial. I love love love braille.
Potentially controversial opinion
@SapphireRose91 I have a braille display now and love it. It really is useful.