Hey #Blind friends using #ScreenReaders like #JFW how on the earth do you now edit your #Amazon.com shopping cart I.E. if you wish to remove an item? I'm in Chrome today and can't figure out how to do it.
So far I've tried 2 different screen readers. I can not find any on screen elements such as combo boxes, edit fields or buttons to change quantities or remove or delete items. This is quite confounding.
@robini71 this is not just a you thing.
@munchkinbear @robini71 I am finding the edit box for quantity in my cart,. Using Chrome and Jaws at the moment.
@MamaBraille @munchkinbear That is odd I am not seeing it in any browser. What scrreen reader and version are you using?
@robini71 @munchkinbear JAWS 2025 latest at the moment with Chrome.
@robini71 @munchkinbear I went in and added a couple of things to cart, and in the cart, there are the quantity edit spin boxes that I can access by pressing e, and if forms mode is on, either type in, or up arrow to increase quantity, or down arrow to decrease.
@MamaBraille @robini71 yup I cna't see those or the buttons to remove, save for later, etc.
@munchkinbear @MamaBraille This is crazy making.
@munchkinbear @MamaBraille I just made sure the latest update to #JFW2025 had been applied, I rebooted and still no joy in 2024 or 2025 in any browser. Something is definitely broken somewhere. I can find share item links. I can find select all items or deselect all items but that's it. #Ugly #Unacceptable #AccessibilityFail