Several questions askd today on what products I cover as the Blindness Product Specialist for Humanware (in Australia), so here is the list.
Annie, Brailliant BIX20, Brailliant BIX40, BraillNote Touch Plus 18, BrailleNote Touch Plus 32, Code Jumper, Juliet 120, Mantis Q40, Monarch, ReadEasy Evolve ECO, ReadEasy Evolve Max, Romeo 60, StellarTrek, TactileView, Victor Reader Stratus 4M, Victor Reader Stratus 12M, Victor Reader Stream.
@Woody Wow, I remember hearing about the Readeasy products when GW Micro was distributing them years ago. I didn't realize they were still around. Just like stand-alone blindness-centric computers (I don't use the term notetaker), I think there will always be a market for stand-alone reading machines, especially for people who aren't comfortable with standard computers.