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@JonathanMosen Because I get my home Internet from Comcast via their Xfinity brand, I use Xfinity Mobile, which is an MVNO that uses Verizon. Its plans are more inexpensive than what I'd likely pay if I hhad gone with Verizon directly. However, in order to subscribe to Xfinity Mobile, you do need to subscribe to Comcast's Internet service. Comcast is reliable but they probably won't offer symmetrical speeds in your area, although this is coming. Knowing what I know about your preferences, I won't be surprised if you decide to go with Verizon Fios for your home Internet, which will offer symmetrical speeds, and if this is the case, Xfinity's mobile service won't be available to you. However, if you go with Verizon's Fios for home Internet, they may have a bundle with their mobile carrier that might be reasonable for you. Otherwise, you'll surely find other MVNOs that use Verizon that might be more inexpensive than directly going with Verizon.