In addition to being a fan of #DoctorWho I am also a fan of #Babylon5, a wonderful science fiction series which aired in the 1990s. Like other franchises, B5 did have some spin-off novels, though nowhere near the amount of books that we have from other franchises, such as Doctor Who and Star Trek. Unlike those two franchises, there are no more B5 novels being written and the ones which were available are sadly out of print.
I have been slowly making my way through the B5 novels. Today, I just finished reading "Casting Shadows" by Jeanne Cavelos, which is the first book of a trilogy called "the Passing of the Techno-mages." In this first book, we learn quite a lot about the techno-mage order and a lot more about the technology that they use to do what seems like magic. We meet Elric, a member of the techno-mage's inner circle, and his apprentice Galen, whom we later see in the spin-off series "Crusade."
This book explains why the techno-mages decided to leave once they became aware of the existence of an ancient enemy. This is a great prequel to the second season B5 episode "the Geometry of Shadows" and any fan of B5 should consider reading this book.