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Lino Morales

Does anyone know if Vispero started the JAWS 2025 public beta cycle yet? #ScreenReader #JAWS

@Lino_JR If you don't see a beta on the landing page, then it's almost 100% likely that the public betas have not been released.

Lino Morales

@DavidGoldfield I'm sure they'll be out soon. I hope 2025 has something good that's *useful for once.

David Goldfield

@Lino_JR I think we disagree on this. I think that JAWS has come out with a lot of useful features over the past few years, not the least of which are the enhancements to Picture Smart. A feature that isn't useful for you might be quite useful to other users and vice versa.

Lino Morales

@DavidGoldfield Well its not something I don't use everyday.

David Goldfield

@Lino_JR Just as examples: the ability to have your screen reader explain pictures and allowing for follow-up questions.
Face in View to provide information about where and how you are positioned in the camera frame
Split Braille for Braille display users
These features might not benefit you personally but they sure do benefit those who use them.

Lino Morales

@DavidGoldfield Oh I'm not disagreeing with you their. But like I said I don't use these everyday. Plus the ability to use MS's nero voices would be nice since they are small in size. I hope MS and vispero can work on this in the 2025 cycle.

Darrell Bowles

@DavidGoldfield @Lino_JR Yes those are huge features. I have an idea for the next big thing contest, so we'll see how that goes. But yes picture smart has been a huge game changer for me. I haven't used the split braille feature, because I don't think the activater supports it.