I posted, some hours ago, a request which, when you got down to the bare-bones of it, was for someone to spend two hours being bored for money. The URL is at the end of this post. I'm #blind and have very bad hearing, and am trying to use a particular piece of software to set up hardware where the software cannot be read/navigated by any of the screen readers, even with OCR. I figured it would do no harm to ask for remote help, but also thought that request would be ignored. It was never going to be a huge amount of money, and I can think of quite a few more enjoyable ways to spend two hours which don't involve repeating oneself and explaining graphs/menu items/icons, then clicking on them to see what comes up and describing that. I would have been surprised to get even one reply. I am often wrong, but don't remember the last time I was so extravagantly and completely wrong. My problem now is that I can't thank all the people who have boosted the post individually because it would easily run over my instance's very generous character limit and because I'm not sure how to mention so many people in one post. I'll also need some time to get back to all the people who asked questions or offered to help, most of them for free, but I will definitely do that. To say that I'm grateful would be like saying the Pacific is slightly damp, or that Everest is a bit higher than sea level. Maybe this sort of thing is normal, Masto is the only social media I use, but all I can say is that it astonishes me. Thanks to everyone who boosted, replied with good wishes, and offered to help, I can't express how much I appreciate it. Thanks in particular to @devinprater for the first boost. https://tweesecake.social/@techsinger/110918612792987501 #hearingimpaired #software #A11Y #accessibility #remote
@techsinger @devinprater [tweesecake.social] Unrelated but just since you said you only use mastodon I wanted to invite you to check out the #blind discord servers, there is one that can be reached through my profile that's run by the people behind the blind reddit and lemmy communities, it has about 630 people including plenty of #deafblind people and there is another that Devin is in that's got about 330 people.
@dhamlinmusic Thanks, and this too is completely unrelated. I use either NVDA or Jaws. Do you know of a tutorial for Discord and these readers? I found the app a pain to navigate a while ago and gave up, it wasn't worth the trouble, but I'm obviously missing something because other people aren't having issues. Thanks again.
@techsinger I use my phone mainly, but discord has its own keyboard commands for a lot of things, and as for the rest not sure, nvda and I are not talking right now and I have never used jaws.
@dhamlinmusic Sorry if you're getting this twice, It didn't send for some reason the first time. Thanks for letting me know about this, I will look out for a tutorial to use it on Windows. It may well be that I didn't use it before some recent improvement or other, I don't remember keyboard shortcuts.