I ordered the hardcopy #Braille version of the #BritishVogue June issue after enjoying the May mag so much and it arrived over the weekend. I’m so looking forward to reading it on the beach this summer
The image descriptions are fantastic again, e.g. this ad for Dolce & Gabbana: “Model wears a white flowing dress. The sleeves are held out and are almost like wings – they are draped from the arms. The dress is patterned with butterfly-like geometric shapes on one half and swirly flowers and urns on the other half. She wears silver toe-post sandals with red stones on the straps.”
#fashion #magazine #blind #accessibility #inclusion @disability
@disability You can also get the June issue of #BritishVogue on audio or as a downloadable #Braille file from the link below
#accessibility #blind #Disability #inclusion
@sarahmatthews Never mind my previous question. Sorry for not looking.
@ppatel No worries at all!
@sarahmatthews I wonder if I can order the printable file here in the US? I know not the hard-copy...
@jane_jordan I don’t see why not, they were very much telling me to spread the word about it, so give it a try!