the repulsive woke have struck again! absolute disgrace! i'll be singing it extra loud from ehre on in. starting right now! #SaveOurSongs #CancelCancelCulture #WakeUpWoke
@realjackscrimshaw if you dig into this a little deeper, this isn’t particularly new. They have removed it from PA playlists since 2015 and have been asking quires not to sing it since 2016. This is only emerge now because WRU is trying to say face amidst a scandal involving the head of the organisation and misogyny. a lot of these headline writers don’t investigate background. It’s ridiculous and cynical, but not new.
@Matt02392 i'd heard whisperings but nothing concrete it got me to a contest final so ... go figure lol banned but not banished that should be the headline.
@realjackscrimshaw banning songs is stupid especially if fans want to sing them. All the statement did announcing the song was banned is provoke the kind of reaction you just displayed and will no doubt get fans singing it in the stadium today spontaneously when if they had just said nothing, no one would’ve batted an eyelid and it probably wouldn’t have even come up at all. they did this to help themselves and have ended up stoking the tabloid press into bating outrage.
@Matt02392 jingle tills, jingle tills, hahaha
when will these idiots ever learne, that if they ban the song, it will make said song more popular. these woke people are stupid.
@Drummerdaniels that's quite right
@realjackscrimshaw indeed. it's happened before, it'll happen again. these woke people are sucking the joy out of life and needs to be put in their place.