Hello there. So, I never thought I'd ever be using Mastodon for this and its a longshot but I'm looking for a paid job in #virginia. I'm a senior in College and I'm going to be graduating with a degree in business management in May and I want to be ready. For my skills, I'm well-versed in #Microsoft products, particularly #MicrosoftExcel and #MicrosoftWword though Excel is my prefered application considering I wish to work with spreadsheets. Yes, I'm totally blind but that shouldn't be an issue because of #screenreaders and #ADA #accommodations and #RemoteWork. So, if anyone is looking for a dedicated person who genuinely enjoys helping others and working with functions from #statistics to #financial functions using #appliedMath, I am willing and able to work for you and what I don't know, I'm willing to learn so help me #GetFediHired. Resume will be sent apon request through DM's. Thank you, and boosts are absolutely encouraged.