My bio says I'm a musician and I've not really posted anything about that.
Well,, I dabble with electronic music for a hobby and very occasionally upload random things I've made to Soundcloud and youTube. I mainly do music for my own personal enjoyment and folk actually listening to stuff I make isn't that important to me.
Weird mindset to have I know, in the age of seemingly everyone being content creators but there it is.
I play synths mostly, as well as designing my own patches on ones that are accessible to me as a blind person.
As well as stuff with keys on, I also play drums and bass.
I'm far from an expert at any instrument. also my cerebral palsy effects my coordination and dexterity quite a bit, particularly on my left side, which can be annoying.
Anyway if you want to listen to random unfinished things I sometimes upload, go here.
#Disabled #Musician #Blind #ElectronicMusic #Synthesisers #SoundDesign #Bass #Drums
Christ I really need to stop putting also in every bloody sentence.