is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
This server is for people to socialize and just generally have fun!

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For fans of with a qualifying print disability, the following title was recently added to the BARD service by NLS. The phrase "Doctor Who" is not found in the title or description, so people who search BARD for "Doctor Who" may not find it. I haven't checked to see if BARD has grouped it into a Doctor Who series.
I've already read this book from Bookshare, as it's been available from that service for quite some time.

Harvest of time
Reynolds, Alastair. Reading time: 11 hours, 49 minutes.
Read by Geoffrey Beevers.

Science Fiction

"When Unit is called in to investigate a mysterious incident on a North Sea drilling platform, the Doctor discovers that the Brigadier and others are starting to forget about the Master, Unit's highest-profile prisoner."-- From publisher. Unrated. Commercial audiobook.