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Robin Frost

It's always a pleasure to share a call with @AiraVI agent #Jeff. He is one of the best and a definite asset to their team and I want the world to know it. He is one of my favorites. 👏👍 I always give positive feedback but I wish we could somehow reward agents that go above and beyond and make calls a pleasure through their great attitudes and willingness to help with a smile on their face that can be heard.

Chris Cooke

@robini71 @DavidGoldfield @AiraVI Oh, that's awesome! I have several favorite agents, and one of which comes to mind now from @AiraVI is longtime agent, Sid. He is just awesome. Just looking at my recent call history I have also had great help from Laci, Aaron, and Daniel! They have been with Aira for a long while and you kind of feel like you get to know them a bit.

Robin Frost

@CreativeChris @DavidGoldfield @AiraVI Yes, yes, yes, yes to all of this. I love all of these agents too. I think Sid was my first ever #Aira agent way back in what 2018 or so?

Chris Cooke

@robini71 @DavidGoldfield @AiraVI Awesome! I remember when longtime agent, Mark, took my call. It turns out I was his last call, sniff! I so appreciated his professional engaging manner. I'll never forget when he told the story of taking a call from an explorer and it did not show a GPS location other than being in the middle of the ocean! It turns out the explorer was on a cruise and they wanted a description of the sky or waves around them. I'll never forget how he related that story on an explorer call. I have had The Aira service since June 2018 and my world would not be the same without it!

Robin Frost

@CreativeChris @DavidGoldfield @AiraVI Aww that’s a lovely story and yes, I cannot imagine life without it either. That is why I am very happy to pay for it monthly.

@robini71 @CreativeChris @AiraVI Jeff and Sid are definitely top-notch agents, and I also put Peter on that list.