Hello Mastodon,
Here's my #introduction post.
Former #graphicdesigner and #webdeveloper at #OpenSourcePublishing, I gradually turned my practice to #textiledesign. Still exploring free and open source software, programming but in relation to many textile techniques.
My main practice is #knitting, #machineknitting and #visiblemending. But I love to explore any #fiberarts related #technique.
In 2020, I joined the #textile #fablab @GreenFabric in #brussels where I like to build / #hack #machines for textile.
In 2024, I joined the #Fabricademy programme ( #textile and #technology) where I made digitally knitted garments to bypass #CCTV #facerecognition.
I am now a Fabricademy instructor!
A little picture as intro: My Mother was a Computer. Title borrowed from media theoretician Katherine N. Hayles. This is the opening piece of a series of knitted portraits of women who played a major role in the history of computing.
I'm super happy to find back my old family here in Lurk/Mastodon (you know who you are :) ).
#Genuary #Livecoding #Worldbuilding #design #Genuary8 #Genuary9
Blogpost: https://blog.illestpreacha.com/genuary2025transitmillions
The prompt for #Genuary2025 Day 9 is “ #PublicTransit ” & Day 8 is “Draw a #Million ”
DigitalCamira is coded in #hydravideosynth , it uses over a million drawn items and is inspired by the #Camira Pattern:
https://www.camirafabrics.com/us/transport/fabrics/camira-print, seen on public transit.
Millions Converge
As we are sitting we are merged
into the patterns that arise
when there intersections of lines
That are tagging along the Journey, the ride
as we sit at this time
#creativecoding #coding #animation #reimaGinaTion
#newmedia #textiledesign #digitalpainting #geometric #creativecodeart #digitalart
#ArtAdventCalendar Day 11
I am a pattern designer and this is my "Scouts Honor Tapestry" #pattern available on
#Spoonflower https://www.spoonflower.com/en/fabric/17807482-scouts-honor-tapestry-by-pine_blue_design
and #Redbubble https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/164771127
If you have time please take a look at my other patterns in the main shop pages
#ArtAdventCalendar Day 10 Surreal Velvet Menagerie #Purple is my most popular pattern for sale on #spoonflower https://www.spoonflower.com/en/home-decor/living-decor/curtains/15862858-surreal-velvet-menagerie-purple-by-pine_blue_design
#redbubble https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/154765526 A customer sent me this image of her son's room with this #Pattern as a #wallpaper #Love it
#ArtAdventCalendar Day 4
My MCM Furniture pattern can be purchased in #wallpaper, #textiles or home #decor items https://www.spoonflower.com/en/fabric/15753499-mcm-living-cream-by-pine_blue_design You can check out my other patterns in my shop at https://www.spoonflower.com/profiles/pine_blue_design
#MidCenturyModern #MCM #InteriorDesign #HomeDecor #TextileDesign #PatternDesign #RetroStyle #FurnitureLove #DesignInspiration #WallpaperGoals #FabricDesign #Redbubble #Spoonflower #MCMStyle #VibrantDesign #CreativePatterns #ThrowPillowDecor #ModernRetro
Does anyone know an artist who makes wigs? In or delivers to UK? Happy to explain how tf to wear one?
Same setting, different gradients. At the tap of a button
Concentric Circles have such a lovely painterly feel.
#rgbdesigner #tasmania #technology #graphicdesign #fashiondesign #webdesign #palettes #gradients #textiledesign #design #interiordesign #digital #prints #tools for #creative #people #art
This palette is in the best of taste. We’re not taking any arguments on this. #rgbdesigner #tasmania #technology #graphicdesign #fashiondesign #webdesign #palettes #gradients #textiledesign #design #interiordesign #digital #prints #tools for #creative #people #art
Here’s a new favourite palette with an Italian flavour. I think the second one.. #rgbdesigner #tasmania #technology #graphicdesign #fashiondesign #webdesign #palettes #gradients #textiledesign #design #interiordesign #digital #prints #tools for #creative #people #art
Circle Lines generator with two different palettes. A Lovely floating effect
Circle Lines generator with two different palettes. A Lovely floating effect
Stained Glass generator in blue and green
Another example of how swapping your gradient affects the generated image in rgbDesigner #Plasma #rgbdesigner #tasmania #technology #graphicdesign #fashiondesign #webdesign #palettes #gradients #textiledesign #design #interiordesign #digital #prints #tools for #creative #people