@Jeff If you are Canadian, and getting ready to retire - remember #Poilievre intends to raise the eligibility age from 65 up to 68 -and then up to 70 years.
@Jeff If you are Canadian, and getting ready to retire - remember #Poilievre intends to raise the eligibility age from 65 up to 68 -and then up to 70 years.
Many of us can relate
"The problem I’m having - I have several
@CanadianCrone @emd "Just Like Justin" is currently his most a favoured line of attack.
@VE2UWY @ZenHeathen @pinhman As a child, Mrs #Poilievre came to Canada from Venezuela.
Apparently, her mom comes from a wealthy family in Dominican Republic.
@intothewestaway Honestly, can you imagine #Poilievre's cadre of undisciplined, inexperienced MPs forming cabinet in a few weeks?
Who in their right mind would vote for that mayhem? Especially with Canada under serious threat??
@pinhman @CStamp I mean, PM Mark Carney got his security clearance in a couple weeks. Why wouldn’t we assume that #Poilievre knows he can’t pass the security check?
"PM Mark Carney & his government are preparing for war.
Mr #Poilievre isn’t even prepared to hear national security intelligence."
#cdnpoli #canada #PPStillHasNoSecurityClearance @RyanWright.bsky
@gemelliz Pierre #Poilievre has the sensitivity of a porcine creature and the appeal of a swamp bloodsucker. #NeverPP #MapleMAGA
Surely, greater knowledge of the threats facing #Canada would be an asset in crafting policy & running a successful campaign. Turning down this information is a disservice to himself, his party, and, ultimately, Canadian voters.”
... in case you need a zinger
"Pierre #Poilievre has the depth of a wading pool and the charisma of a cold sore."
#NeverPP #mapleMAGA #cdnpoli @MattPark.bsky
@ZenHeathen @wandrecanada @clintruin
#Poilievre is snubbing his nose at Canadians knowing full well he will be granted a top-level security clearance automatically, without the background checks, if he's elected PM.
@Ratoncita @BootesVoid @jfmezei @Robbe_Duesseldorf Reminder: former
Ironically named as the #IDU is hard at work dismantling democracies across the globe.
Members include Modi from India, Netanyahu from Israel, #Poilievre & Harper from #Canada, Putin from Russia, Trump from USA, and ...Orban from HUNGARY.
@BootesVoid @jfmezei @Robbe_Duesseldorf IF true...
"CBC's Fifth Estate is airing a story this Friday that reveals Mr & Mrs #Poilievre's 'Axe The Tax' t-shirts were made in Hungary by a company whose board of directors include Stephen Harper"
#Poilievre is such an absolute child.
We need adults in the room.
From a distance
Mr #Poilievre seems to be a bloody traitor to Canada or, as we call it in Germany, "ein vaterlandsloser Geselle".
The present world situation and his stupid behaviour obviously makes him look very bad:
@Pinchy63 @Lynnd Vote her out!
"We are deeply offended by the actions of MP Michelle Ferreri & are calling for her immediate resignation from the Standing Committee on the Status of Women.
She has proven time & time again she's an unsuitable member for this important committee.
MP Ferreri was a disastrous choice for the committee given her past disrespectful profanity laced rants on social media & ongoing misleading statements in the House of Commons" #cdnpoli #poilievre #peterborough
It’s almost like #PoiLIEvre doesn’t know how our government works. He should shut off Fox News.
@Lynnd Precisely.
Canada is dealing with a MAJOR crisis.
Can you imagine #Poilievre's cadre of undisciplined, inexperienced MPs forming cabinet in a few months?
A pathetic, little man
"Mr #Poilievre has not yet congratulated Mark Carney on either his leadership or having been sworn in as
Classless. No grace."
"Poilievre just keeps bleating about manufactured outrages.
Just meaningless noise."