Fastlane in Kotlin Multiplatform projects
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://touchlab.co/fastlane-kmp

Fastlane in Kotlin Multiplatform projects
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://touchlab.co/fastlane-kmp
Typesafe Libraries & Gradle Convention Plugins
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://youtu.be/9BhtoNxgPks
This resonates with me. I really like #Rust, but we don’t use it for most apps because it really isn’t the best option for writing web services. Personally, I find #Kotlin to be a pretty good language for web services.
Can Junie write Kotlin code from UML better than traditional UML codegen?
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_DFKIVJVE0
GitHub - Dogacel/kotlinx-protobuf-gen: Generate kotlinx serializable data classes from protobuf
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://github.com/dogacel/kotlinx-protobuf-gen/
YouTube redesign implementation using Kotlin and Kobweb
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://github.com/shubhamsinghshubham777/YouTubeRedesigned/
GitHub - opengrep/opengrep:
Wrote a small util, that converts TypeScript types to Swift and Kotlin types
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://www.npmjs.com/package/%40goldenratio/type-transform
Lumo UI demos are now interactive on the website!
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://lumoui.com/
Structural: A lightweight Gradle plugin for enforcing package dependency rules in Android & Kotlin projects
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://github.com/adrianczuczka/structural
Big Kotlin pack https://leanpub.com/b/kotlin_mm by Marcin Moskała is the featured bundle on the Leanpub homepage! https://leanpub.com #Kotlin #Android #Java #ComputerProgramming #Engineering #books #ebooks
Fighting the Elephant - Gradle Convention Plugins
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://youtu.be/FFNvZhi9NwM
Hello everyone, I rewrote my video app using Kotlin and Compose.
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?gl=in&id=free.mor.mordo.do
Jetpack Compose internals https://leanpub.com/composeinternals by Jorge Castillo is the featured book on the Leanpub homepage! https://leanpub.com #Software #ComputerProgramming #Java #Kotlin #SoftwareArchitecture #SoftwareEngineering #books #ebooks
Heyo! Are you a company in Chicago looking for an opportunity for increased visibility to our JVM community? We're looking for folks to host Chicago Kotlin User Group/Java User Group events for 2025 What better way to get senior engineers in your office space?
I made a simple Kotlin Coding Agent in Android Studio and Intellij
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://docs.firebender.com/get-started/agent
Apply for Google Summer of Code 2025 and Contribute to the Kotlin Ecosystem
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://kotl.in/gsoc2025
I am not loving Kotlin Multiplatform. I’m hoping it will eventually pay off, but it’s not looks looking good so far.