“Are you sure about that?”
“Of course I’m sure. Is the bear Catholic? Does the Pope…
Wait. Let me start over.”
#WaitLetMeStartOver #HashtagGames
“Are you sure about that?”
“Of course I’m sure. Is the bear Catholic? Does the Pope…
Wait. Let me start over.”
#WaitLetMeStartOver #HashtagGames
Please let me know if your time zone has changed for the game poster or if the time is off now that the US changed to DST.
If you are on the list and have a time change coming up, let me know, also, so I can add it to my calendar.
Thanks, and as always, thanks for playing our nightly game.
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to darkest #HashTagGames
I'll be home for Christmas
You can count on me
Please have snow
And mistletoe
And Alfred Hitchcock Presents under the tree...
Master of Suspenders
Doo, doo, doo
Looking out my rear window
Cary Grant, my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest....
(You just heard the last bit in your brain)
Psycho dog takes 39 Steps back and forth across The Rear Window
There once was an unsmiling mate
Who ceaselessly studied his date
And versed like no other
Couldn't win back his lover
The date ended in a murderous state
Wake Me Up Before You Vertigo-Go
North by northwest side story
I cast a spellbound on you
Tern, Tern, Tern -- The Birds
Merle Haggard and the Strangers on a Train
Strangers on the last train to Clarksville
The Trouble With Harry