Hello mastofriends,
Un petit son uploadé aujourd'hui :)
Bonne écoute !
Hello mastofriends,
Un petit son uploadé aujourd'hui :)
Bonne écoute !
This pack starts a database of Fediverse accounts involved in musical research, sonic arts, computer and multichannel music, and new instrumental writings.
#SonicArt #MultichannelMusic #InstrumentalWriting #MusicalResearch #ContemporaryMusic #AcousmaticMusic #ElectroacousticMusic #MusiqueAcousmatique #MusiqueElectroacoustic #MusiqueContemporaine #MusiqueMulticanale #ArtSonore
Two hours of stimulating and unusual sound to close out 2024. — https://www.mixcloud.com/antiear/adventurous-listening-089-december-31-2024/ — #noisemusic #electroacousticmusic #experimentalmusic #weirdshit #radioshow
Since Monday, the festival Always, Already There has taken place.
We are composers and musicians of African descent and the diaspora engaging in talks and concerts ( #experimentalmusic #electroacousticmusic #contemporaryclassical
Tomorrow's topic is decolonising electronics and on the following day we will be five electroacoustic composers to perform.
The festival will happen until Sunday. Talks are free.
Full programme :
We're releasing an album of our live improvised concert back in November! Out this Friday, 1 March 2024 on Bandcamp.
Join us on Friday at 8pm for the launch party! Listen to the album and chat with the artists. RSVP at link at the top of https://linktr.ee/exitpoints
#toronto #musicians
#freeimprovisation #freeimprovisationmusic #electroacoustic #electroacousticmusic #experimentalsound #performance #concert #goodlisteners #arraymusic #arraymusictoronto #improvisation #improvisedmusic #music #show
It was a great night, wasn't it? This was Exit Points No. 43 which took place in October '23. I was #blessed to be in the company of such fine musicians that evening!
NEWS! The LIVE ALBUM launches Friday Feb 2nd at 8:00PM ET with a virtual listening party hosted on the Exit Points Bandcamp page. Artists will be on hand to chat during the event and answer listener questions! See you there! (search for Exit Points on the Bandcamp website - give them a FOLLOW while you're there to stay up to date on new releases!)
Photos by Mike Filippov
Recorded at arraymusictoronto
Mixed by Matt Legge
Produced by Michael Palumbo
Featured artists: @skylips.wav, @brayden.prod @aniqadearmusic @sallyleeyyz @michaelpalumbo_ @kilometreclub @bekindmakemusic @rudyraykwaku @vennie.tu @scott.lepore_
After years playing with them online, I'll be playing at Exit Points in-person for the first time on November 24! Join us for an amazing, unpredictable concert!
Exit Points is a monthly free-improvisation concert series.
INFO AND TICKETS: https://exitpoints.square.site/product/exitpoints44/17
#toronto #musicians
#freeimprovisation #freeimprovisationmusic #electroacoustic #electroacousticmusic #experimentalsound #performance #concert #goodlisteners #arraymusic #arraymusictoronto #improvisation #improvisedmusic #music #show
On October 27th I'll be performing in an electroacoustic free improvisation ensemble with a fabulous group of talented people! Come out if you're in the GTA!
Show details:
Exit Points 43 at Array Music 155 Walnut Ave, 2nd floor
Friday, October 27
Cost: $20 at the door. Cash/Card/Mobile
Advance tickets: https://linktr.ee/exitpoints
Doors open: 7:30pm
Show begins: 8pm sharp
Ensemble 1:
Rudy Ray - Trumpet
Wei En (that's me!) - Modular Synthesizer
Vennie Tu - Guitar, Bass, Keys
Kilometre Club - Bass VI, Pedals
Scott Lepore - Electronic Percussion, Modular Synth
Ensemble 2:
aniqa dear - Voice
Sally Lee - Electric Bass
Past Tense - Prophet Rev2 Synthesizer
Naomi McCarroll-Butler - Weird Winds, Drones and Noise
Michael Palumbo - Modular Synthesizer