Mathy people often look down on crochet due to misogyny or minimizing of the arts (math is a male dominated field BTW) , but crochet should not be gendered let alone demeaned because it's associated with female crafts.
Crochet is not just able to be applied to math, but is inherently mathematical. To make anything in crochet at minimum you need to be counting and planning what you are doing. You can use math to plan out specific shapes and to understand what process you need to follow to make that shape. Making something in crochet is making something with one string (usually) so it is a very complicated mesh. You can make complex images using a pixel grid sort of style. You can also leave the flat "2D" creations and move in 3 dimensions. Using math, you can make things ripple or have waves or be flat, or stretch, or whatever.
For example, you can crochet hyperbolic shapes: