Loved the costumes they made for Ncuti Gatwa (from Dr Who) in his run in The Importance of being Ernest.
#costume #sewing #drama #NcutiGatwa
Loved the costumes they made for Ncuti Gatwa (from Dr Who) in his run in The Importance of being Ernest.
#costume #sewing #drama #NcutiGatwa
How to make your own Takeo Masaki from Call of Duty: Black Ops costume! #activision #callofduty #fps #military #tomkane #cosplay #costume
Carpet seller from Zell-am-Ziller (Tyrol).
H. Sharles, from "Colección de láminas en color representando tipos de diversos países" Paris: n.d. #art #costume https://www.oldbookillustrations.com/illustrations/carpet-seller/
Girl from Brienz—canton of Bern.
Karl Girardet, from "Colección de láminas en color representando tipos de diversos países" Paris: n.d. #art #costume https://www.oldbookillustrations.com/illustrations/girl-brienz/
Edit: artist's name.
Butcher from Cagliari (Sardinia).
François Claudius Compte-Calix, from "Colección de láminas en color representando tipos de diversos países" Paris: n.d. #art #costume https://www.oldbookillustrations.com/illustrations/cagliari-butcher/
Fashion, Costume and Culture, volumes 1-5
How to make your own “Tank” Dempsey from Call of Duty: Black Ops costume! #activision #callofduty #fps #military #steveblum #cosplay #costume
#dressing down #costume #whattoweartoamugging The unbelievable White House furor over wearing a smart black shirt and pants in perpetual honor of your brave soldiers is ridiculous and planned. Particularly when compared to Musk’s outfit and nose picking child holding court at an Oval Office Cabinet Meeting. Talk about disrespect! But then, Musk doesn’t have any respect for Trump, does he?
Ho, mais je n'avais pas fait mon #introduction !
Je réalise des costumes fantasy ou d'inspiration historique, sur mesure et sur commande ; depuis mon atelier dans la Loire, ou à distance quand le projet le permet.
J'adapte chaque costume à la personne qui le portera : pour qu'il lui plaise, soit en accord avec ses envie, sa morphologie, son budget, ses contraintes spécifiques et besoins particuliers.
J'anime également des ateliers IrL ou visio !
How to make your own Uncle Sam from Super Bowl LIX Halftime Show costume! #kendricklamar #patriotic #samuelljackson #superbowl #unclesam #cosplay #costume
How to make your own Kendrick Lamar from Super Bowl LIX Halftime Show costume! #concert #kendricklamar #rapper #superbowl #cosplay #costume
Bonjour, Hello!
I'm Jonathan from Canada. I am a textile artist, costumer, and educator. Interested in anything crafty, matters and thoughts.
#Textile #Textileart #Costume #Artist
You can visit my website if you are curious to learn more and see the work.