Somebody at #Sony try to get #GTA6 exclusive for #PlayStation5 until January.
The money of that move will be quite epic, but in the long term they will literally kill the #Xbox brand. That's how you play the monopoly game.
Somebody at #Sony try to get #GTA6 exclusive for #PlayStation5 until January.
The money of that move will be quite epic, but in the long term they will literally kill the #Xbox brand. That's how you play the monopoly game.
My bet on the next #Xbox console, it will be a Windows PC with an Xbox frontend.
It won't be a modular console, but rather a SoC with soldered RAM an additional NVMe for more storage.
Their challenge will be the Xbox storefront. SteamOS is miles ahead. Valve could hit first with the rumored Steam Machine 2.
In order of recommendation:
- $1,200+ Laptop with an RTX
- $700 Legion Go / $800 ROG Ally X
- $500 PlayStation 5
- $400 Steam Deck
- $300 Xbox Series S
That's is for gaming appliances in 2025. Hopefully things change for the better Q4 2025, but no #PCGaming until then.
#Xbox has accepted they'll never grow as an ecosystem.
If you see the company with that perspective, things like #GamePass, #XboxSeriesS and releasing games on other platforms, make total sense.
How Xbox should name their first Xbox-Compatible handled?
GOTY contenders for 2025 so far:
Probably next GOTY contenders:
- #DoomTheDarkAges
- #GhostOfYotei
- #Marvel1943RiseOfHydra
- #MetroidPrime4Beyond
- #TheOuterWorlds2
- #Atomfall
- #Expedition33 (big hopes for this)
- #GearsOfWarEDay
I firmly believe the #RX9600 will be great if it lands at around $299 and trades blows with the #RTX4060. That's how you break the market.
Otherwise, I will heavily recommend a #PlayStation5 for your gaming dosis, or an #XboxSeriesS for #GamePass.
I like to see post about people saying «Phil Spencer is a terrible leader» when:
- He convinced #SatyaNadella to buy #Activision for massive profits
- He is ditching #Xbox consoles that are no longer selling
- He pivoted to #GamePass where they're making money
- He killing exclusives to get more money.
Face it, the guy knows and is not going to be fired anytime soon.
Monster Hunter Wilds Conquista Nota 90 no Metacritic #capcom #consoles #críticaespecializada #jogoobrigatório #lançamento #metacritic #monsterhunterwilds #nota90 #pc #videogames https://alternativanerd.com.br/games/monster-hunter-wilds-conquista-nota-90-no-metacritic
Brainworx SSL 9000 & AMEK 9099 console plugins on sale for $29 USD https://rekkerd.org/brainworx-bx-console-ssl-9000-amek-9099-console-plugins-on-sale/
When it comes to #gaming, what do you prefer... PC, mobile, console or handheld? Or a mixture? https://mindsconnected.tech/index.php?showtopic=839&view=getnewpost #hardware #consoles #computers #retrogaming #tech
Yeah, my next console will be a #PlayStation6.
It's just a matter of time they bring #GamePass to PlayStation.
Having #MetroidPrimeBeyond as a cross-platform game is a no-brainer.
You have a user base of 143M. You have to be nuts not to deny that.
I believe this will be the trend for the first titles in 2025, probably part of 2026.
«In the pursue of money, they lost loyalty»
Quoting a friend about #Forza going into #PlayStation.
This #PS5 redesign looks rad, and doesn't require disassembling your console.
Um dos nomes mais importantes da história da indústria dos games, Ken Kutaragi ganhou notoriedade mundial por ter liderado o desensolvimento do PlayStation 1 e, consequentemente, ter sido o principal responsável de um dos consoles mais icônicos de todos os tempos. Kutaragi também foi o chefe de desenvolvimento do PlayStation 2, console mais vendido de todos os tempos, e consolidou ainda mais seu nome entre os gigantes da história.
#playstation #videogames #consoles
Hideki Kamiya (produtor de Okami e Devil May Cry) critica os vazamentos sobre Nintendo Switch 2 e desabafo.
O homem ficou bravo com os Leaks e os chamou de escória.