Our latest blog explores how shifting to an outcome-driven mindset can help teams deliver real business value and drive meaningful impact: https://ter.li/c3unaq
Software Architecture https://leanpub.com/b/software-architecture by Simon Brown is the featured bundle of ebooks
Actionable Agile Metrics Volume II: Advanced Topics in Predictability https://leanpub.com/actionableagilemetricsii by Daniel S. Vacanti is the featured book on the Leanpub homepage! https://leanpub.com #Agile #LeadershipAgile #Leadership #AgileBusinessLeadership #Lean #ProductManagement #books #ebooks
The second volume in a series on how to use flow metrics and analytics to get the predictability your customers crave.
Find it on Leanpub!
Looks like my anti-agile post is making the rounds again
Ansible for DevOps by Jeff Geerling is on sale on Leanpub! Its suggested price is $9.99; get it for $6.99 with this coupon: https://leanpub.com/sh/N75JS9j2 #Agile #Software #Startups #Ansible #Devops #CloudComputing
Dew Drop Weekly Newsletter #423 - Week ending March 7, 2025
#dewdrop #newsletter #javascript #dotnetmaui #aspire #blazor #xaml #csharp #dotnet #agile #ai #devops #IoT #mobiledev #sqlserver #data #m365 #podcasts
Dew Drop Weekly Newsletter 423... [buff.ly]
ACCU 2025 SESSION ANNOUNCEMENT: The Road to Agility: Are We There Yet? by @gasproni
Register now at https://accuconference.org/booking/
* Scrum Master Seeking Remote Opportunity *
Hi, I’m based in Vienna and looking for a remote Scrum Master role! With a background in psychology, English, and philosophy/ethics, I bring a people-centered approach to agility—plus a good dose of humor to keep retrospectives from turning into existential crises. As a systemically solution-oriented coach, I help teams embrace change, collaborate effectively, and stay focused while navigating complexity with clarity.
Let’s connect!
I am available for hiring!
Senior Software Engineer / PSM
Kotlin / Java / Scrum
experienced with:
- agile software project management
- agile software development
- software design and architecture
- supporting and leading development teams
where? 100% remote or hybrid (in HH area)
when? from 1st of june 2025 on
If you're in or near the the Austin area, join us for the "Joy of Coding" meetup on March 6th:
Lean Agile Predictability Bundle https://leanpub.com/b/leanagilepredictabilitybundle by Daniel S. Vacanti is the featured bundle of ebooks
Revolutionizing Software Development: Insights from Project Management Challenges
In the fast-paced world of software development, project management can often feel like navigating a minefield. From scheduling to bug tracking, learn how innovative approaches inspired by real-world ...
Our org is moving to agile, so this resonates with me.
Originally at: https://www.instagram.com/developertimeline/
Agile and Lean Program Management by Johanna Rothman is on sale on Leanpub! Its suggested price is $35.00; get it for $24.00 with this coupon: https://leanpub.com/sh/5cHv2HLU johannarothman@mastodon.sdf.org #BusinessAndManagement #Software #Agile #ProjectManagement #Lean
A Practical Guide to Testing in DevOps by Katrina Clokie is free with a Leanpub Reader membership! Or you can buy it for $7.99! http://leanpub.com/testingindevops #Agile #Software #Devops #Testing
Mein kostenloser Rat für digitale Innovation und Souveränität.
1. Echtes Problem identifizieren
2. Bestehende Open Source Lösungen einsetzen
3. Falls Features fehlen, Entwickler:innen finanzieren. Z.b. mit Geldern, die für Lizenzen geschlossener Software ausgegeben werden.
4. Ergebnisse Open Sourcen
5. Agile Prozesse einsetzen, damit das zielgerichtet und schnell geht.
Gern geschehen.
Software Architecture https://leanpub.com/b/software-architecture by Simon Brown is the featured bundle of ebooks
Ahora en el 2025 estoy dedicado a aprender y apoyar colectivos autoorganizados y de autogesión. Como #JardineroOrganizacional facilito talleres, mentorías y dinámicas para organizaciones comunitarias y empresas solidarias con propósito.
Uso herramientas de #EstructurasLiberadoras #TeoríaU #LiderazgoEcosistémico #sociocracia #GobernanzaDinámica #augogestión #TealOrganizations #TheoryU #LiberatingStructures #StrategicDoing #SelfManagement #BeyondBudgeting #OpenSpaceTechnology #Sociocracy #Agile
Dew Drop Weekly Newsletter #421 - Week ending February 21, 2025.
#dewdrop #newsletter #dotnet #webdev #javascript #dotnetmaui #csharp #agile #devops #appdev #m365 #podcasts #IoT #windev
Dew Drop Weekly Newsletter 421... [buff.ly]