How Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will undermine and ultimately destroy US vaccination programs | Science-Based Medicine
How Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will undermine and ultimately destroy US vaccination programs | Science-Based Medicine
Apple Cider Vinegar | Science-Based Medicine by Steven Novella
I just watched the new Netflix series, Apple Cider Vinegar, which tells the story of Belle Gibson, an Australian woman who launched a wellness business based largely on the false claim that she had survived “terminal brain cancer”. It is worth a watch, and overall I feel the writers (this is a fictionalized version, not a documentary) captured the industry of fake cancer cures and their victims very well. I have some quibbles, which I will get to, but in the end the telling serves the viewer well.
The series focuses mainly on three young women, including Gibson and two fictional characters facing serious cancer diagnoses. Together they represent different aspects of the wellness industry, and specifically the industry of dubious cancer treatments. David Gorski actually captured this spectrum quite well in his article, True believers, entrepreneurs, and scammers in alternative medicine. All are represented in this show.
The Telepathy Tapes – More FC Pseudoscience | Science-Based Medicine
The Trashing of Science by Robert F Kennedy Jr | Science-Based Medicine
Suggested questions for Donald Trump’s health nominees during confirmation hearings | #ScienceBasedMedicine https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/suggested-questions-for-donald-trumps-health-nominees-during-confirmation-hearings/ “It won’t be long before we’re treated to the spectacle of Senators grilling antivax nominees like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (HHS) and Dr. Dave Weldon (CDC). We exist to serve, which is why I’m suggesting some questions for Senators to ask all of Trump’s health picks.” Via @gorskon
#ZDoggMD on #RFKJr.’s Rise: “I’m Talking About Like These #ScienceBasedMedicine Guys” https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/notourfault/ “No one faulted Dr. Damania for “talking to someone like a Vinay #Prasad.” I’d be happy to talk to Dr. Prasad about his pandemic pronouncements. Instead we faulted Dr. #Damania for praising, legitimizing, and amplifying someone like a Vinay Prasad. In contrast, we at #SBM accurately informed our readers that Dr. Prasad spread copious misinformation and repeatedly gushed over RFK Jr.”
#RFKJr. is now an extinction-level threat to federal #publichealth programs and science-based health policy | #ScienceBasedMedicine https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/rfk-jr-is-now-an-extinction-level-threat-to-federal-public-health-programs-and-science-based-health-policy/ “Over the last week it’s become very clear that, were RFK Jr. to be put in charge of the federal health apparatus, either as Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) or in some “czar” role, it would be an extinction-level threat to science-based federal health policy, which would be replaced with pseudoscience, quackery, and conspiracy.”
Did you know? Homeopathy is bunkum.
It was developed by this German dude before we had the germ theory of disease. (Don't blame him - medicine sucked balls at the time. Like, way worse than now.)
Its theories violate the laws of physics.
"There has been mixed results from clinical studies of homeopathy, but a clear trend when all the evidence is reviewed — the better designed the study the less likely there is to be any effect, and the best designed studies are negative. Homeopathy, it turns out, is no more effective than placebo (an inactive treatment)." --Science-based Medicine
Most homeopathic treatments are harmless because they're just sugar water. However, some have traces of active substances that can do harm. I once had a homeopathic remedy meant to sooth and cheer me up render me a confused, angry, irritable mess for a whole day. Just an anecdote, but hey, homeopaths love anecdotes. It was years ago, I don't recall the exact substance.
At least, unlike with chiropracty, you're unlikely to have your vertebra accidentally snapped.
Save your money! Don't buy into homeopathy.
Science Based Medicine:
The Hypocrisy Is The Point. Doctors Who Said Not To Mix Politics & Medicine.
Hypocritical articles on politics and medicine weren’t really about politics and medicine, they were a message- the standards we set for you, don’t apply to us and everyone knows it.
by: Jonathan Howard
"Indeed, many We Want Them Infected doctors mixed politics and medicine openly and freely since the start of the pandemic. Scientists, namely Dr. Ioannidis himself, tried to influence politicians as early as March 2020, as Stephenie Lee documented in her article An Elite Group Of Scientists Tried To Warn Trump Against Lockdowns In March."
Donald Trump bragged that “right-to-try” has saved thousands of lives. It hasn’t.
"In other words, five years after its passage, right-to-try has been a spectacular failure. It does not do what its proponents claimed that it would do. It provides no advantage or benefit above and beyond what the FDA expanded access program provides in terms of letting seriously or terminally ill patients access promising investigational drugs not yet approved by the FDA. It is a sham, and a cruel one, as I’ve argued all along. The only “good” it might do is for unscrupulous companies that want to use it as a profit center or facilitate its use as a profit center. It is thus indeed fortunate that right-to-try has been such an abject failure thus far, as it could have been harming thousands of patients but thus far has not.
Unfortunately, should Trump be elected President again, the same forces that pushed for right-to-try want to “improve” it:
The slow uptake has led some of the law’s biggest proponents to call on Trump to expand upon the program in his first 100 days if he’s elected in November, likely reopening the debate into the FDA’s role in the oversight of access to experimental treatments. Right to Try supporters want Trump to encourage drug manufacturers to participate through incentives and benefits, and Trump’s campaign said he is open to changes to the law".
Pro-Infection Doctors Didn’t Honestly Question Whether Mitigation Measures Slowed #COVID. They Sought To Undermine Them Precisely Because They Slowed COVID. | #ScienceBasedMedicine https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/pro-infectiondocs/ “#ProInfection #doctors didn’t honestly question whether mitigation measures slowed the spread of the virus, they sought to undermine them precisely because they slowed the spread of the virus.”
As a #familyphysician , I'd love to try an #AI assistant to help look up information on diagnosis and management. Searching #uptodate #dynamed and #pubmed is very limited and too time consuming for some cases.
Searching on #clinicalkey or #tufts university's library is horribly ineffective most of the time
#evidencebasedmedicine #primarycare #llm #medmastodon
All those false positives ("indidentalomas") from full body #MRI will get expensive workups, follow up studies that will be paid by the rest of us via higher insurance premiums and taxes.
Get some data first please.