Hi. Uber is looking for people to be a part of a pilot study from October 28 through December 6. If you ride with a service animal and you wanna participate, you take rides and report in on how your rides are impacted by disclosing that you have a service animal. They will give gift cards and compensation at the end amounting to $270 to compensate people for the price of the rights they took. Here's a survey that you can fill out as a first step to qualifying for participation. SurveyMonkey Powered Online Survey https://uber.surveymonkey.com/r/7MQ9H7C?e=ext
@CreativeChris Does this include Canadian Uber customers?
@carrottop1023 You know, I don't know.
@CreativeChris sapphireangel@mastodon.online How many surveys and how much proof do these companies need that this is happening? What do they think we're all living a magical fairytail or something here? There was a covered ralley and countless videos. They don't need a survey, they need to start holding their people and drivers accountable