Just when I think I have heard of every blindness/disability missconseption, there is always one to blow me out of the water. Yesterday, one had me cracking up so much. I was in a meeting, and someone was talking about a client that they had worked with in the past. The client had a Chihuahua for a service animal. The conversation went something like this. Client, hi, where can I get a handle for my service dog. Worker, what kind of dog do you have? Client, I have a Chihuahua. Worker, they don’t make harnesses for Chihuahuas. Why are you asking? Client, my dog is my service animal. Worker, what does the animal do? Client, he sucks my asthma attacks out of me. I had to tell the people I was meeting with to stop the meeting, while I laughed this out. I’m glad it wasn’t me on the phone! Lol, . I cannot make this up! #FunnyStuff #Blind