
@tess @aral This is everything right here! And people really do wonder why we stick with big Tech as problematic as it is. I honestly can’t tell which is more frustrating these days. I think we are all well aware of the issues caused by big tech but I never seen such irony as The open source community. Well, if your system isn’t working, you could use the system that you can’t use to contribute code on the system that you can’t use. Blows my mind every time. When open source actually works collaboratively, and without the elitism, it really is the best way to make Tech. I’ve contributed to fantastic open source environments and tools and otherwise, but there’s just something about the community as a whole that percolates this kind of ironic accessibility view all throughout the projects that I encounter. Even though big tech could be better in their accessibility, at least they give us breadcrumbs. The open source community turns around and says, if you want it, you make this thing accessible, not me.

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